590LC-00-000 (590LC/00/000 or 590LC-D)

Product Name : 590LC-00-000 (590LC/00/000 or 590LC-D)
Manufacturer : Eurotherm and SSD Drives
Item : Link Control Doors
Application : 590C DC DRIVE

Part No: 590LC-00-000 (590LC/00/000 or 590LC-D) 


Eurotherm and SSD Drives 590DL-00-000 Link Control Doors for the 590C and now the 590S DC Drives. The 590DL Door is now obsolete but SDS stock Refurbished units.


The 590L Control Board (Door) is now obsolete. We encourage our customers to upgrade the door to the 590PXD Door. the 590PXD door must be fitted with either a 6055-LINK-00 or 6053-LINK-00 LINK Techbox to act as the LINK Gateway.


An application note on how to retrofit the 590PXD/0011/UK/000 to a 590L Stack can be found below. If you have any questions regarding the upgrade, require a quotation or have any further questions please contact us.


Part Numbers could match any of the following;


590LC-00-000 (590LC/00/000)

590LDC-00-000 (590LDC/00/000)

590L-00-000 (590L/00/000)

590LC-D (590L/D)

591LC-00-000 (591LC/00/000)

598LC-00-000 (598LC/00/000)


599LC-00-000 (599LC/00/000)

AH385851U002  AH463179U001  AH465207U003  AH466701U002  AH466703U002  

AH466704U002  AH470330U002  AH470330U031  AH500076U001  AH470330U001

AH500382U108  AH467495U307  AH500382U108/1  AH385621U001  AH470280U002

AH500075U001  AH470372U001  AH387775U001  AH385851U003  AH50075U002

AH463889U001  AH464883U101  AH464657U001  AH463889U001  AH466405U001

AH470372U002  AH385851U003  AH466341U001  AH500935U001  AH465520U003  

AH386001U001  AH385621U001  AH385356U001  AH465315U001  AH470280U001

AH470280U003  AH470280U004  590PD-0010-UK-0  590PD-0011-UK-0   6901-00

590PXD-0010-UK-0  590PXD-0011-UK-0  590DC/0/00  6055/ENET  6055-MBP-00

6055-PROF-00  6053-PROF-00  6055/EI00/00  CM467762U002  LA466711U002

CM467781U001  C0466737  CO385541   DL056383  DL465313

IXYS rectifier bridge power module: MCC19-16, MCC26-1, MCC95-16, MCC95-16IO1B, MCC26-16I01B, MCC312-16I01, MCC 310-16IO1, SKKT106-16, MCC162-16, MCC162-14, MCC312-16, MCC501-16, MCC570-16...

IXYS field excitation SCR: VHF28-14VHF28-16VHF36-16

Also supply SEMIKRON SCR SKKT, SKKH, SKKD, SKD, SKB, SKKE, SKMD, SKND...SEMIKRON rectifier bridge, fast recovery module, SKKT92B16E, SKKT106-16E, SKKT162-16E, SKKT273, SKKT330...

If you need any information before purchase, you can click our online service, If it is not availabl
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